4 Expert Tips to Declutter Your Home

4 Expert Tips to Declutter Your Home

Hands up if you, like most people have that room or spot in the house where different forms of clutter begin to mingle with one another. Regardless of how much “stuff” we’ve accumulated, we can greatly benefit from decluttering. We reached out to our pal Laura Kaye, founder of Simply Spaces (and fellow millennial mom) for some home organizing tips.

Laura suggests that before you dive right in, it’s best to have a strategy in place as to how you’ll declutter your home – this will help make the task feel less overwhelming. To get started, consider these four steps to help you manage your stress and to create more space in your home. Grab a glass of wine and let’s get going!


1. Set goals

Create a plan. Set priorities for the spaces in your home you want to declutter. For example, if the basement is where all unused items go to collect dust, make that room your priority, then move on to the others.

Laura always suggest starting small vs starting in the area where you have the most clutter. This way, you feel accomplished and motivated to keep going and eventually you will tackle the area with the most clutter!
Give yourself a deadline. Set completion dates for each room (or space) you decide to declutter – give yourself a hard (and realistic) deadline so you know you’re working towards an end goal.
Document your work – share a before and after reveal! There is something to be said about showing off your work (makes sense why our kids hand us every single drawing of theirs). Depending on the number of items you have laying around, snapping a photo of it before you begin and comparing it to when you’re finished will give you some serious self-gratification.

2. Create a system

Remember the three-box rule. Analyze each item and separate them into three piles – sell, keep, donate. This three-box method will help you decide what to do with each item as you go through it. A helpful tip, if you haven’t seen an item in years or forgot you had it, then it’s time to remove it from the clutter.  


3. Remove the clutter immediately

Once you have your piles completed, the next step is to remove the items that no longer serve a purpose in your home. This is the hardest step for most, it can be an emotional experience for many. Try to remove the clutter within a week.

At Simply Spaces this step is called the “edit” and Laura believes that this is where the magic happens. Once you get rid of everything you no longer need, you are left only with items that serve purpose in your life - this is the goal.


4. Call on the help of an expert

Sometimes, all you need is an expert to provide an organizational support system and take the emotion out of the process, says Laura. 

Believe it or not, 32% of unused household items are baby gear. Kids grow fast and babies grow even faster, so we’re left with a lot of baby gear that served its purpose for those six months or so but now they’re in the basement or corner, collecting dust.

That’s where Rebelstork comes in to help! Team Rebby can assist with step #1 (sell) by making it a completely safe and hassle-free experience. They can also help with #3 (donate) by facilitating the charity drop of your items to moms in need.    

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